Changing Priorities

I love to write. I love to read. Have been that way since I was a kid. I would much rather read a well-written article than watch pretty much any show, video or online short. But sometimes, priorities change. I’ve decided to give a more concerted try to YouTube – to learn how to create visual media that will be informative and more entertaining. I’ve dabbled in it for several years, but am now stepping up my game.

What does that mean? There are tools that most high end content creators use to provide high quality materials. Things like Open Broadcast Studio (OBS) and Final Cut Pro. I’ve also learned that meaningful storytelling isn’t just about the subject, but as in a good book, how you weave the plot and take your audience through it. On that basis, I have a bit to learn.

I recently discovered a young man who just started his own YouTube channel. By occupation, he is a film-maker, working for another YouTube channel on high end car profiles and reviews. His own channel is about astrophotography, a new passion of mine, so I checked him out when his channel came up in my feed.

But his content is so different that I now hold it up as the gold standard for what I might aspire to. He presents his adventures as would any high end movie. There is a plot line, narration, shot variety, wonderful lighting, high end visuals and sound, music – all the components of a fabulous experience. His videos are a delight to watch.

Telling a story isn’t about just spitting out the facts of what happened. It’s about how the characters react, different viewpoints and the supporting elements. Think of any movie you admire and tease apart the construction of it and you will see what I mean.

So I’m going to turn my attention there for the next while and take a break from my blog posts. It’s the summer anyway, so most people don’t spend a lot of times on blogs. They are meant more for a chilly winter day by the fire.

Hope everyone has a great summer, and that you indulge in all the things that make you happy. I’ll be back in the fall. In the meantime, if you do want a diversion, you can check me out on YouTube:

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